Djinni Wiki

How to make an NPC disappear ?[]

In order to make an NPC disappear you need to add to NPC’s spawn set an empty phase and name it ‘gone’. All you have to do now (e.g. after a dialogue or just whenever you need it) is to change NPC’s phase to ‘gone’.

Here’s the script:

void main()

SetStoryNPCStoryPhase("spawnset_name", "gone");

If you want to destroy an NPC you can do:

a) teleport an object out of the location and then despawn/kill it. To teleport use ActionJumpToObject b) or you can use DestroyObject – but it doesn’t always work on creatures

How to create Power Places and Rings of Elements ?[]

Stones and Power Places’ effects are placeable. To set them up you need triggers with scripts that switch phase effects of Power Places whenever a player comes up or walks away. You also need the ‘OnUsed’ scripts for both objects – in the first case the script adds an ability boosting up given stats, in the second case it opens up a dialogue with a Power Place (the dialogue lines are linked with the scripts giving particular abbilites). To add ability do as follows:


   AddAbility("ability_name", oPC);

How to make an NPC attack us after a dialogue line?[]

If you want a character to be hostile towards a player (e.g. after a dialogue line) you just need to add an ‘Action Script’ script to the dialogue line, after which an NPC is supposed to attack a player. Of course, you can add this script in different places, depending on what you want to achieve (e.g. in the template of our opponent’s ‘On Damage’ or ‘On End Conversation’).

#include "inc_ai"

void main()

  object oPC = GetFirstPC();
  object object_name = GetObjectByTag("character_tag");
  AI_ClearPersonalAttitude(object_name, oPC);
  AI_SetPersonalAttitude(CN_ATTITUDE_HOSTILE, object_name, oPC);
  SetProfile(object_name, PROFILE_TYPE_ENEMY_WITCHER, TRUE);

In the template ‘Script set’ should be set to default.

How to open up a dialogue after setting off a trigger (teleport and talk) ?[]

Once a trigger has been set up in a location you have to turn it on after e.g. a dialogue line. To do that, add the script below in action scripts in the desired line of the dialogue:

void main()
     object dialog = GetObjectByTag("trigger_tag");  //dialog – our name used in trigger script
     if(GetEnteringObject() == GetFirstPC())

Then we add to the trigger the ‘On Enter’ script which is going to set off the dialogue we’ve written.

#include "inc_dialog"
void main()
      object our_object = GetObjectByTag("characters_tag");
      object dialog = GetObjectByTag("trigger_tag");
      TeleportAndTalk(our_object, "dialog_file");
      EnableTrigger(dialog,FALSE); //here we set trigger off to prevent starting the dialog everytime we stand on this trigger

An exemplary NPC phase change script and turn-off trigger for area transition and cut scene.[]

void main()
  object cutscene = GetObjectByTag("cutscene_trigger_tag"); //trigger that turning cutscene on
  object exit = GetObjectByTag("exit_trigger_tag");         //exit location trigger
  SetStoryNPCStoryPhase("npc_name","phase_name");           //change story phase of the first npc
  SetStoryNPCStoryPhase("npc2_name","phase_name");          //change story phase of the second npc
  EnableTrigger(cutscene,TRUE);                             //enable cutscene trigger 
  EnableTrigger(exit,TRUE);                                 //enable exit location trigger

A cutscene set-off trigger looks like this:

void main()
   object cutscene = GetObjectByTag("cutscene_trigger_tag "); //cutscene – our object name
   EnableTrigger(cutscene, FALSE);

How to create flammable/quenchable objects using igni/aard ?[]

#include "inc_ai"
// we must use script "on spell cast at" at placeble scripts
// light up/quench fire with Aard and Igni.
//                                   (by M "TnZ" K)
// ========================================================================================================
// lights distance around the object which we “kill”
float xDist = 10.0f;
// tag objects with lights
string xTag = "ob_light";
// ========================================================================================================
void PlaceCampfireMappinOnMap(object oCampfire)
  // insert campfire mappin on map
  if (GetLocalInt(oCampfire, "HasMarker")!=1 && GetDistanceBetween(GetFirstPC(), oCampfire)<10.0)
     location lCampfire = GetLocation(oCampfire);
     CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_WAYPOINT, "wp_campfire", lCampfire, FALSE, "wp_campfire");
     SetLocalInt(oCampfire, "HasMarker", 1);
void FireOn(object oCampfire)
        // all nearest light sources ON 
        object nLight = GetNearestObjectByTag(xTag, oCampfire, 0);
        int j = 0;
        while (nLight != OBJECT_INVALID)
              nLight = GetNearestObjectByTag(xTag, oCampfire, j);
              float iDist2 =  GetDistanceBetween(nLight, oCampfire);
              if (iDist2 < xDist && GetArea(OBJECT_SELF)==GetArea(nLight))  
                 // turn the light on near this source
                 DClearAllActions(FALSE, nLight);
                 ChangePlaceableEffectPhase(nLight, "Cast");
     // change placeble animation to ACTIVATE
     DClearAllActions(FALSE, oCampfire);
     AssignCommand(oCampfire, ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_ACTIVATE, 1.0, 10000.0));
     ChangePlaceableEffectPhase(oCampfire, "Cast");
     DeleteLocalInt(oCampfire, "iRainOff");
// ========================================================================================================
void FireOff(object oCampfire)
  // all nearest light sources OFF
  object nLight = GetNearestObjectByTag(xTag, oCampfire,  0);
  int j = 0;
  while (nLight != OBJECT_INVALID)
        nLight = GetNearestObjectByTag(xTag, oCampfire, j);
        float iDist2 =  GetDistanceBetween(nLight, oCampfire);
        if (iDist2 < xDist) 
           //  turn the ligh off  (near this source)
           DClearAllActions(FALSE, nLight);
           ChangePlaceableEffectPhase(nLight, "FadeOut");
  // change placeble animation to DEACTIVATE
  DClearAllActions(FALSE, oCampfire);
  AssignCommand(oCampfire, ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_DEACTIVATE, 1.0, 1000.0));
  ChangePlaceableEffectPhase(oCampfire, "FadeOut");
  SetLocalInt(oCampfire, "iRainOff", 1);
// ==========================================================================================================
// [                                                                                          ]
// [                         SpellCastAt campfires/torches/another_light_sources              ]
// [                                                                                          ]
// ==========================================================================================================
void main()
   int nSpellId = GetLastSpell();
  if(nSpellId >= 0 && nSpellId <= 9 ) // aard extinguish campfire
     if(nSpellId >= 30 && nSpellId <= 39 ) // igni makes a fire 

How to make an object give out puffs of smoke after casting Igni on it?[]

#include "inc_ai"
// script must be "on spell cast at" in placeable scripts
// object starts smoke after casting igni on it (by tnz)
void main()
  int nSpellId = GetLastSpell();
     if(nSpellId >= 30 && nSpellId <= 39 ) // igni
           location lLoc = GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF);
           CreateVisualEffectAtLocation("fx_fume01", lLoc);

Show placeable description after clicking on it.[]

// at „OnUsed” placeable scripts 
#include "inc_gui"
void main()